The Australian Aged Care Collaboration represents more than 1,000 organisations delivering quality aged care services to
1.3 million older Australians
Over the past two decades, successive governments have failed to act on more than 20 independent reports signaling the need for major reform in aged care.
We cannot allow this to continue.
We all deserve to age in comfort and with dignity, wherever we live. Yet that right is being denied to some 1.3 million Australians who rely on our aged care system.
Over a generation, the needs and expectations of our ageing parents and grandparents – and those who care for them – have exceeded the resources made available to them.
As a country, we are failing our older citizens.
It’s time for change. It’s time to fight for a world- class, rights-based aged care system that meets the needs of older Australians now and into the future.
It’s time to care about aged care.
Who we are
The Australian Aged Care Collaboration is a group of six aged care peak bodies: Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA), Anglicare Australia, Baptist Care Australia, Catholic Health Australia, Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) and UnitingCare Australia.
Together, we represent more than 1,000 organisations that are responsible for about 70 percent of the services delivered to the 1.3 million Australians receiving aged care, either at home or in communal residential settings.
We understand the needs of an ageing Australian population because collectively, our members support older people in cities as well as regional and remote localities, across all states and territories. In addition, we are major employers and users of local goods and services.
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety is on track to deliver a historic set
of recommendations to overhaul the aged care system. The Australian Aged Care Collaboration’s aim is to ensure there is political will to make the systemic changes needed to meet the needs of older Australians now and into the future. Collaboration-356298848804773